“The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”
–Alfred North Whitehead

Generalizing the Function: Process Ontology and Free Energy

Summary by ChatGPT4 based on the YouTube transcript: This conversation between Tim and Matt revolves around their philosophical exploration of process philosophy, the Free Energy Principle, and Simondon’s philosophy of individuation, with a particular focus on how these philosophical frameworks intersect with personal health experiences and broader biological and environmental contexts.

The discussion starts with Matt sharing his challenging experience of reconstituting his microbiome after suffering from intense food poisoning. This event triggers a broader dialogue on the effects of physical ailments on mental and metabolic states, noting how such disturbances can impact consciousness and cognitive processes. They consider the influence of changing environments, such as different foods and bacteria, on one’s physiological state, which Tim relates to his reflections on the free energy principle—how the body and mind adjust to new conditions by minimizing predictive errors.

Matt extends this discussion by exploring the concept of ‘sym-poiesis’ from Donna Haraway, which suggests a collaborative formation process across systems, contrasting it with ‘auto-poiesis’ where a system is self-forming. They delve into how organisms are intertwined with their environments, emphasizing ecological and relational dynamics, and how disturbances like food poisoning illustrate these complex interactions.

They discuss the idea of molecules and their functions in biological contexts, challenging the simplistic interpretation of molecular function isolated from its ecological and evolutionary contexts. The conversation turns technical with a deep dive into the biochemistry of molecules, discussing how ‘function’ in biochemistry differs from evolutionary biology, which focuses more on the contributions to organismal fitness over time.

As they ponder the philosophy of biology, Tim and Matt consider broader metaphysical questions about the nature of functions and properties, using terms like ‘detectable properties’ to describe how something must be observable or relational to be considered a property. This segues into a discussion of Whitehead’s process philosophy and how it attempts to generalize the concept of function through a metaphysical framework that encompasses both the micro and macro scales of existence.

Tim and Matt also discuss the philosophical implications of mapping and diagrammatic relationships in understanding cognitive and biological processes. They critique traditional representational views of cognition, suggesting that mapping should be viewed more as a dynamic interaction between organisms and their environments, rather than a static representation of external realities.

The conversation concludes with a reflection on the iterative and transformative nature of organism-environment interactions, which they connect to evolutionary processes and Whitehead’s concept of concrescence—the idea that entities become by relating and transforming in relation to others. This philosophical exploration offers a rich, complex view of how individuals and environments co-create and modify each other continually.

Throughout the dialogue, the depth of philosophical inquiry is matched by personal anecdotes and biological insights, illustrating the interconnectedness of philosophical theories with everyday experiences and scientific concepts.



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