“The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”
–Alfred North Whitehead

Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology Podcast

Had a great time chatting with my friend Dr. Sam Mickey about Whitehead’s philosophy of organism.


One response to “Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology Podcast”

  1. Jim Racobs Avatar
    Jim Racobs

    Inspiring dialogue with Sam Mickey. Thank you. Whitehead’s “objective immortality” reminded me of William Blake’s Golgonooza [sic]. As Northrop Frye described it: “All imaginative and creative arts, being eternal, go to build up a permanent structure, which Blake called Golgonooza, above time, and, when this structure is finished, nature, its scaffolding, will be knocked away and man will live in it. Golgonooza will be the city of God, the New Jerusalem which is the total form of all culture and civilization. Nothing that the heroes, martyrs, prophets and poets of the past have done for it has been wasted; no anonymous and unrecognized contribution to it has been overlooked. In it is conserved all the good man has done, and in it is completed all he hoped and intended to do. And the artist who uses the same energy and genius that Homer and Isaiah had will find that he not only lives in the same palace of art as Homer and Isaiah, but lives at the same time.”

What do you think?